
Peach Crisp with Maple Cream Sauce

So, if you didn't get enough sweets this weekend, 
you might want to make this scrumptious dessert! 
I made this recipe that I found over at The Pioneer Women a few weeks ago 
when I had our monthly lunch at my home for the gals in my family. 
Every recipe that I've made from Ree have just been amazing. 
Do you have any must-make recipes? I'd love to know them if you do.

and this must-make for dessert:

 Peach Crisp with Maple Cream Sauce


  • 5 whole To 6 Whole Fresh Peaches (best When Not Overly Ripe Or Soft)
  • 1 cup Flour
  • ½ cups Sugar
  • ½ cups Light Brown Sugar, Firmly Packed
  • ½ teaspoons Ground Cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoons Ground Nutmeg
  • ¼ teaspoons Salt
  • 1 stick Butter (1/2 Cup)
  • ½ whole Lemon
  • 7 Tablespoons Real Maple Syrup, Divided
  • 1-½ cup Whipping Cream
  • 3 Tablespoons Light Corn Syrup

Preparation Instructions

In a medium bowl, mix flour, sugar, light brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt using a fork or pastry cutter. Cut butter into small pieces and gradually add to flour mixture until evenly mixed.
Peel peaches into a bowl. Add the zest from half a lemon. Squeeze juice from lemon half and stir in with peaches and zest. Add 2 tablespoons real maple syrup to peaches, stir well.
Pour peach mixture into a small pan (8” or 9” square) and cover evenly with crumb topping. Cover with foil and bake at 350ºF for 15 minutes. Remove foil and bake for an additional 20 to 30 minutes or until crisp and brown on top.
Maple Cream Sauce:
Pour whipping cream into a saucepan. Add 5 tablespoons real maple syrup, 3 tablespoons corn syrup and stir over moderate heat until thickened and reduced by about one-third, approximately 15 minutes. Refrigerate mixture until it is cold and thick, or set the saucepan into a small bowl of ice (the ice will melt and turn into ice water). Stirring your mixture, it will cool and thicken in about 15 minutes. Drizzle sauce over peach crisp. Serve warm.



At Modern Palm we are
Falling for Fall Colors
especially the
Inspiring Color:  
 journals, bakers twine, mugs, and serving pieces
Orange is  powerful, warm, energetic, and spicy. It is one of the healing colors, and is said to stimulate enthusiasm and creativity. Orange means vitality with endurance, and curiosity. People who like orange are usually thoughtful and sincere. Orange has become a great base color for interior decor and can be used in both traditional settings as well as modern.

Put some orange in your life when you want:
  • to spice things up when you feel time is dragging
  • to become more involved in something
  • to increase creativity 
  • relief from things becoming too serious

thank you cards, soap & lotion, serving pieces, art work

books, perfume & lotions, notepads & to-do lists, home decor
These are just a few examples of items found in
that are inspired by  

What we Love about this season:
Falling leaves. Cool breeze. Sweaters to wear. Harvest to share. Pumpkins.Football. Back to school. Full moon. 
Frost soon. Family Feast... Lots to eat. Fall.

We hope you are enjoying this  
wonderful season
and as you prepare for the holidays,  
don't forget all of the unique and wonderful gifts 
that can be found at


Timothy Whealon in The Hamptons

Elle Decor featured this lovely home in the Hamptons a bit ago.
New York City decorator Timothy Whealon purchased this home in
Southampton, New York, "just steps off the main street and a short bike ride from the beach. 
The train station is close enough to walk to, so Whealon doesn’t have to contend 
with the hideous summer traffic."
I wouldn't mind having this home to go to on the weekends.  
It is lovely and fresh, the perfect retreat. 
Oh! how I adore those navy denim blue walls.  Amazing!

In the kitchen, Whealon painted the floor as a big checkerboard, and painted the walls a crisp white.
Those floors are just...are there words? Incredibly fabulous?!

I really like the striped fabric mixed with the Batik and Ikat-ish looking pillows.  
These pillows remind me of some fabulous pillows found in Modern Palm Boutique... I'm just sayin'. ;)
And just to mix it up, I think the elephants add a fantastic touch to the classic landscaping.


French Breton Striped Shirt

Found this fantastic mosaic post over on Completely Coastal!
I've always been a fan of the blue-and-white striped sailor shirt. 
Coco Chanel is given credit for introducing the old Brenton styled French sailor shirt to
the fashion world in 1917...
It is amazing how long this look has persisted in the fashion world, 
and JCrew has adopted it whole-heartedly!

Still lovin' this Stripe Sequin Boatneck shirt from JCrew.
Audrey Tautou in Before Chanel, Coco Chanel, Jean Paul Gaultier, Brigitte Bardot, Breton Sailor Shirt, Marcia Cross, French Sailors 1900, Pablo Picasso, Jackie Onassis. Mosaic and Info via Here.

Fabric-Lined Envelope Tutorial

Love these fabric envelopes that Chelsea made.  
Her tutorial is found on blog Frolic
I think they are darling, and add such a perfect personal touch.

So, last week was quite the crazy week. 
Modern Palm was a part of a boutique at the Treehouse, and it was sure fun to meet some of you!  
Thanks for coming, and for those that didn't make it,
I'll let you know when the next holiday boutique will be.

Don't forget about the great gifts that Modern Palm has, as you start to do your holiday shopping!


Music Love: Mindy Gledhill*Anchor

I have become a big fan of Mindy Gledhill's music as of late,and this song  
Anchor is pretty much on repeat. 
Just lovin' it right now! Mindy is an extremely talented artist, but I don't quite know how to even explain her... fun? whimsical? floaty? sweet? unique? Just go see for yourself. 
Her music is a MUST! Yes, there is a reason I used ALL CAPITALS! :) 
How would you explain her music?


Treehouse Boutique & Modern Palm

If you live around the Salt Lake Valley in Utah, 
then I have the perfect thing for you to do 
this Friday!  
On October 22nd, from 9am to 9pm
The Treehouse in Draper, Utah.  
There are over 40 vendors, but most importantly... MODERN PALM 
will be there! Come visit me! 
 I'd love to see you there!


Halloween Ideas

My disappointed kids will tell you I'm not the best at decorating for Halloween. Sure, we have a few things... but they L.O.V.E homes that go-all-out with Halloween Stuff.  Needless to say, this is an area where I need to get a few ideas. So, I've been checking around online and here are a few things that I think I might be able to handle...

Erin Oltmann did a great round-up for ideas at Today's Mama
Love these ghosts and think my kids will too!

Kami at No Biggie has a few good ideas too! 
My kids always love putting together candy houses, even though they don't last long!

How cute is the decoupage pumpkin found over on Make and Takes
What a great idea!

I thought these Ghoulish Goody Bags 
made by Amy Atlas are a fun idea to for kids to give to friends.

What about you? How do you like to decorate for Halloween? 
Any fun projects you do with your kids?


Chocolate Smores Doughnuts from Botero at The Wynn

For all of you that are serious about seriously amazing dessert, check out this recipe! 
I'm dying to try this. We just got back from Las Vegas, where we spent some time while the kids were off track, and sometimes...occasionally... when we go, we are able to have a little date night. 
On one of these rare date nights, we were able to eat at The Wynn
Let me just tell you my friends, that food was so amazing! My mouth dreams of going back!
Although I have yet to eat at the Botero restaurant, I'm liking the looks of this recipe!

Chocolate Smores Doughnuts from Botero, at The Wynn*

Warm brioche doughnuts filled with homemade marshmallow, then rolled in a cinnamon graham cracker crust. Served with dark chocolate ganache and vanilla anglaise.
"This has become a Botero Classic: I have been threatened by guests if I even think about changing them." - Sara Steele, pastry chef at Botero

Brioche Doughnuts (yields 8 orders)

  • 13 oz all-purpose flour
  • ¼ cup sugar
  • ¼ oz salt
  • ¾ oz yeast (fresh)
  • 1 tbsp water
  • 4 ea. eggs
  • ¼ butter (soft)
In a large mixer with a dough hook, combine dry ingredients. Mix till combined. Combine yeast, water and eggs and add to dry ingredients. Once dough is formed, add butter in increments till fully incorporated. Scrape sides of bowl and continue mixing for 10 minutes. Divide dough into six and wrap tightly. Dough can be frozen and thawed out when needed.


  • 3 egg whites
  • 1 ⅓ cup sugar
  • 1 ½ cup corn syrup
  • 1 vanilla bean
  • 1 sheet gelatin, bloomed
Place egg whites in kitchen aide mixer with the whisk attachment. Whip to medium peaks, then place on the lowest speed. Meanwhile, heat sugar and corn syrup along with a little water (wet sand texture) to 235° (thread stage). Add vanilla bean, and gelatin to sugar mixture. Turn mixer back to medium speed, and slowly pour in sugar mixture. Beat until cool. Store in piping bag and keep refrigerated in between uses

Graham Cracker Crust

  • 3 packages honey graham crackers
  • 1 lb. light brown sugar
  • 1½ tbsp ground cinnamon
Place all ingredients in food processor or food mill. Mix until fine and thoroughly combined.

Anglaise (yields 15 orders)

  • 2 cups cream
  • 2 cups milk
  • ¼ lbs sugar
  • 27 ea. yolks
  • 1 ea. vanilla beans
In a large sauce pot, bring cream, milk, sugar and vanilla beans to boil. Slowly add the warm mixture into egg yolks, return back to stove, cook until thick, making sure to not to cook eggs. Strain with ice bath ready.

Chocolate Ganache (yields 10 orders)

  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 10 oz dark chocolate
  • 1 tbsp corn syrup
In a saucepot over medium heat, bring cream just under a boil. Have chocolate weighed out in large bowl along with corn syrup. When cream is ready, remove from heat, and pour directly into bowl over the chocolate and corn syrup. Stir with a whisk until fully incorporated. Strain and keep on top of stove to keep the correct consistency.
*Only available at dinner


Daniela Jaglenka Terrazzini + Puffin Books= The Perfect Classic

I was in Anthropologie the other day and saw these new amazing books from Puffin Books.  I am completely smitten with the designs by Daniela Jaglenka Terrazzini.  These books would make the perfect gift or perfect decor for a child's room.  What is it about books that make them so desirable? I could buy books all day long, both to read and use for decorating.  These covers remind me of a few other book obsessions that I've mentioned here and here.  This art work is perfectly amazing for these perfect classic stories.  Now, I can judge these books by their covers! :)

M&M Coconut Candies

Have you tried these tasty, yummy coconut candies yet? 
I am such a fan! YUM!


Inspriation Board: a room for Lisa

I've been helping a friend of mine pull some ideas together for her living room.  I was thinking about it last night and thought I'd mess around and create a little inspiration board.  The chaise should really be to the side, but this program does not allow for direction changes.  I was thinking a chaise would be great in front of some beautiful, large windows, so it would not block the light or view, and create a more open feel. They want to have a brown leather sofa that is more forgiving, since they have four young, adorable children. Red is her happy color, so I incorporated pops of red and thought it would be fun to add texture with printed chairs that sit in front of the fireplace. They want a lot of seating, since they entertain quite a bit.  My friend is quite the traveler and has many items from her travels, so the bookshelves would be great to hold some of her items and the cinquefoil panels add a bit of exotic feel to the room and make a great artistic statement.


Carey Mulligan: Lovely in Vogue

Love this photo shoot of Carey Mulligan in the October Vogue.

She's got this fun hat thing goin' on with these beautiful outfits. 
So lovely. So creative. So chic.

Fabulous dress and colors. Amazing! 


Do you love Bamboo? We do...

We LOVE Bamboo!

has a great selection of different Bamboo products. Our new bowl collection is perfect for all of your dinning and entertaining needs. The eye-catching colors in unique finishes will add beauty and warmth to your home décor. In this sassy collection you will be able to mix and match bowls and salad servers of various shapes and size to suit your personal style . From fruits to salads, rice to pasta, chips to nuts you will have the perfect bamboo bowl on hand to serve all of your favorite delectable's.
Bamboo is one of the most remarkable resources on Earth. As a member of the grass family, not a tree, it grows at a much quicker rate than any other wood. From start to harvest (60-70 feet tall) it can take just four years. Bamboo is naturally anti-microbial, therefore stopping bacteria from growing. It is also one of the strongest yet lightest materials around. Bamboo is 16% stronger than Maple and is 33% lighter in weight than Oak.  What is probably most remarkable is its unique extensive root system. When bamboo is harvested its natural root system spreads and automatically regenerates itself.  
A modern addition to any child's room, we have a large selection to choose from:
Jungle Friends, Tree Friends, Forest Friends, and Owl Family.
All mobiles are laser-cut from sustainably harvested bamboo,
an earth-friendly renewable resource
These LETTERPRESS cards are hand-printed on bamboo
(yes bamboo!) paper.
Sealed in a glossy sleeve and includes a matching envelope.
Inside is blank.
is the answer to your exfoliation needs. It is formulated with
to remove the dead skin cells from the top layer of your skin.
This allows your vibrant skin cells to come to the surface and shine.
It also stimulates those cells to reproduce more healthy skin.
It is also full of anti-oxidents and emoilents to sooth your skin for a fresh feeling
you can't get with any other microdermabrasion cream.
Come check out our BAMBOO selection as well as our other fantastic products. 
 The  holidays are coming up...
don't forget about the fun & unique gifts that you will find in
We have the perfect selection for moms, sisters, friends,
neighbors, teachers, babies, children, and of course, yourself!

The Ultimate Beach House from Coastal Living

I am completely smitten with this craftsman beach cottage 
located on the west coast,in Seabrook,Washington.  
This is an idea home for Coastal Living
which happens to be one of my favorite magazines. 
For those who live in Washington or Oregon, you'll be happy to know you can actually take a home tour!
I love the architecture, the design, the floor plan, the color palette, the texture... pretty much everything. 
Tim Clarke, the interior designer, did a fantastic job creating such a calming retreat. While Lisa Romerein, the photographer, did a fantastic job capturing the lighting and beauty of this home. 

I love the sky blue ceiling and all the stripes
used throughout the room.

I really enjoy the natural elements mixed with the
striking modern white. 

I love the gray tint in the hardwood floors +
I like the idea of no rug under the table!
I can't even tell you how hard it is to keep the rug under
my table clean... 
do any of you have that problem?

I am such a fan of finding a color palette
in unexpected places. 
Just love the way that Tim Clarke, the interior designer,
pulled inspiration from all of the 
different elements that surround the home.

Oh, how I'd love to live in this home...