
Wonderful Christmas Madness

Whew!  It has sure been a busy month... What is it with this December? I don't know how you mom's out there do it.  I seriously feel so crazed trying to accomplish everything I'd like to and need to do everyday, but somehow I always feel short, late, tired, and just so....is there even a word to describe? Maybe it is because my kids are getting a little older that things seem to have taken on a new kind of craziness this season.  Some things just had to fall to the way-side, and my blog was just one of them.
Highlights of the month: 
I've had fun keeping up with Modern Palm.  I have so enjoyed having my store these last few months.  I can't believe how much I have learned and how much I still need to learn, but it has been an overwhelming adventure and fun process. 
Ashy's 6th birthday friend and family parties.  We did a fairy woodland party with her darling friends and had a great time. She has also been busy with gymnastics and dance performances. Isaac did very well at his Christmas piano recital and is having a blast with basketball.  I had a little Christmas neighborhood luncheon at my home, and then, of course, our annual girl Christmas party that we've done every year since high school. I absolutely love getting together with my friends and Stacy had a great party this year. We also had  our couples Christmas party, that is always a blast.  
Ashy and I had two mommy/daughter dates. We went to the Rockets Christmas Spectacular, which was... spectacular. Then we went with the girls in our family to to the Nutcracker, which is such a fun tradition.  We love doing our annual service activities with my family. Each year it is something different, but this year we took blankets that we made and toys to the Primary Childrens Hospital and the Huntsman Cancer Institute. Then we went to Temple Square to see the amazing Christmas lights display. This is by far one of my favorite Christmas traditions. We will also take cookies to the firemen on Christmas Eve.
Last night, at Ashlyn's dance recital we were able to finally see Santa, after a few other failed attempts. Isaac and Ashlyn were obviously excited and ready to tell him their Christmas list wishes. I didn't know how Jack would do, but was pleasantly surprised to see how calm he was with Santa... Gray on the other hand, although super excited to see him beforehand, constantly repeating Ho! Ho! Ho!, started freaking out when it came time to sit on his lap.  Screaming. 
Oh! how I love this age.  Gray will be two next month and he is so darling and entertaining. He's been sick lately and has been having sleepless nights... I've been having bad flashbacks  to when he was wee babe and how many sleepless nights I had with him.  I'm having a hard time functioning.  This has been a great reminder of why I'm not getting pregnant any time soon. :)
The Polar Express...Last weekend we did our annual fun but simple Polar Express in our own car.  I put a Polar Express hand-made ticket on the bed with the kids Christmas PJ's laid out.  The kids are saying, "what are we going to do tonight," and Mr. D and I said, "oh! maybe we'll just hangout at home tonight. Why don't you go get your pj's on." All of a sudden we hear the excitement of "it's polar express night! Ya!" They get so excited for this simple, but fun annual event. We get in our "polar express" in pj's with our blankets and popcorn, pop in the Polar Express movie and go to Thanksgiving Point to see the lights.  Thanksgiving Point has a Christmas light display that you can drive thru, which I personally think they need to amp-it-up-a-bit, but the kids enjoy. Then we go get hot chocolate and continue to drive thru different neighborhoods to see the lights.  
Now that all these other events have happened, I need to focus on our neighbor, teacher, family, and friend gifts.  Um... this year I'm a bit unprepared. Christmas cards didn't quite happen. Still debating if I want to make a LATE attempt. I have so enjoyed this eventful month though. I feel like it has been so full of the true spirit of Christmas. How grateful I am for the friends and family we have in our lives. 
There it is, a little wrap-up of our month. Hope y'all have enjoyed this month and hope this week will be filled with more wonderful holiday excitement. 

1 comment:

  1. Love your Polar Express idea. Hope you had a great Christmas.
