
thinkThin Protein Bars & Products

I am such a protein bar lover.
I feel like I'm always in a hurry and always on the go. I try really hard to eat well though, and sometimes it is just hard to stay on course if you're always in a hurry.  That is why I am a protein bar lover.  It is a good thing to eat if I need something fast.  My only problem with protein bars, is finding one that is as nutritious as they claim they are.  
I want one that tastes good, low in sugar, low in carbs, high in protein, natural, 
and is nutritious.  Is that too much to ask? 
 I was so excited to find thinkThin a few months back! 
The answer to my long hunt for the perfect protein bar. 
I'm sharing my find with you, just in case you're a protein bar lover as well, 
and you're trying to find one that is exceptionally healthy too.
I met the founder, Lizanne Flasetto, at the EVO conference a few months back. 
We discussed my new shop, Modern Palm and her company thinkThin products
  She is beautiful, darling, sweet, and amazingly talented! 
She created this company because she too was a busy mom, 
concerned about health, and saw the need for healthy snacks.  
Bonus: these bars are really good! For reals! I love them. 
I think I have tried all of the flavors and I love them all! 
I just ran out of my supply and realized how much I need them, and then realized I should probably pass on my good find with all of you lovely readers!   

Here is what the thinkThin company is all about:

"thinkThin® creates deliciously natural food for consumers who “think about what they eat” while living a full and energetic weight management lifestyle. The thinkThin® brand was born when its founder Lizanne Falsetto recognized an unmet market opportunity to marry the natural and weight management categories.
Fast forward to today and thinkThin®’s flagship protein bar is the no. 1 ranked weight management bar in America, experiencing unprecedented growth as the only natural, 0 grams sugar, high protein weight management bar on the market. The company continues to break ground, launching the industry’s first natural low sugar, high protein nut bar called thinkThin® Crunch.
All thinkThin® products are based on three key nutritional principles: 
low to no sugar, high protein, gluten free."

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