
Happy Things~Guest Blogger: Ollibird

Where in the world did this week go? All of a sudden it is Friday! Hello Friday! So, of course that means it is time to have another guest tell us what makes her happy.

Truth be told, I'm so crazy impressed with my guest, Alma Loveland, from Ollibird. I have NO IDEA where to begin telling you about her! We first met when I took an Illustrator class from her. Um... by the way, I am so not smart when it comes to using computer programs like Illustrator, so, Alma,I am in need of another course! She is EXTREMELY talented with graphic design and she and her husband are the perfect art/talent super-star-couple! For reals! So, that is not all... in addition to having her own business and teaching classes, she designs bags and planner paper for Franklin Covey. In fact, I get to think about her every day because I happen to own and use, on a daily basis, one of the planners that she designed. And that is not all (I feel like an infomercial now), but you'll just have to visit her site and blog to find out more about this very talented and super sweet gal!

What do you want to be when you grow up:
I have got to be honest, I really feel like I'm living the dream right now. I run my own business, set my own schedule, have a great husband and a perfect baby boy. And my husband and I even have rented an office where we get to switch off working days and parenting days. So I get some uninterrupted days of work at the office, and some work-free days of play (and cleaning and cooking and laundry) with my son. Things aren't perfect (not including a photo of my living room or kitchen or bedroom or laundry room right now... the baby's room is immaculate though, just for the record) (okay, that's a lie---it was immaculate YESTERDAY and I can clean it up again quickly once he's done napping) but we're really really happy.

Product you can't live without:
Adobe Illustrator. It's my bread and butter. I use it daily and I teach it. And I can honestly say that it has played a role in getting me where I am today career-wise and family-wise, since it was some illustrations that I did in Illustrator that first caught my husband's attention.

Favorite place you've been:
I lived in Rome for about 7 months and have a hard time planning to go back and visit, simply because I don't think I can ever catch that feeling that I had when I was there as a visitor. It would have to be a semi-permanent move. Like stay there for a year or two.

Dream vacation:
Somewhere with a quiet beach, good food, and no phone or internet. Actually, ANYWHERE with no phone or internet. It's my goal to take a wireless vacation in the next year or so.

Favorite Restaurant/Food:
I have no particular favorite per se, but I like restaurants where you can get good-quality, simple food, like Pizzeria 712 in Orem, Utah. It's not a chain, so sorry for everyone who lives outside of Utah!

Favorite TV Show:
I love Chopped on the Food Network.

Favorite movie:
Moulin Rouge. If I'm working on something, I can have that on in the background back to back and not get tired of it!

Favorite treat:
Too many to count. But let's just simplify it as "chocolate."

How do you like to relax:
It depends on the day, but right now, I'm imagining comfy clothes, a big comfy couch, and a good movie.

being a mom---seriously the BEST, being married to an artist---I get to commission whatever paintings I want, good design, of course, spending time with family, road trips.

that stupid tamper-proof packaging that you can only open with scissors, as well as price tags on merchandise that don't peel off easily, causing you to have to wash the new product and scrub to get all the sticky stuff off, rancid rags, outdoor Halloween lights (especially when put up in September), Papyrus font, people who break traffic rules out of politeness

Thanks Alma!  I wish I could have a teaspoon of your talent!  
You're amazing and I loved learning more about you!

Happy Weekend one and all!   
And to all you Mother's, I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day! 

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