
Spring Fling

Spring Fling by apinacolada blog. Item links found on Polyvore

It is March! Yea! Spring time is here (or coming soon)!  This month is fun with lots-o-green, St.Patty's day, my anniversary, and my little/big boy turning 7!  Crazy how fast time flies when you're living life....I remember my little I-man as a baby so clearly!  Having that first born is so fun and magical.  
Well, now I'm planning a Star Wars party.  
I wanted to do something fun and creative with cute decor and a fun treasure hunt or something....  
I got the "moooommmm! I want a Stars Wars party!   It's my birthday! I want to choose!"   
(it was said with a little attitude.  Yup!  He is almost 7 going on 12!)
Um... ok. 
I guess you are getting big, and you should choose....
  And yes, Darth Vador can come and there can be crazy fighting, and Jedi knight training, and Padme saving, and a pinata you can whack, and Pokemon trading, 
and whatever you want.....
Anyway, little boy not so little anymore. 

Hope you all have a great first week of March!


  1. Oh my gosh all those Green things make me super-excited about Spring! A Star Wars party sounds amazing...I'm pretty sure my 26yr old boyfriend would also love one lol! xx

  2. I also love March! My birthday month - though not so exciting the older I get :) So Pete and I actually got engaged after we left your reception. . .so I always remember your anniversery. Random fact for you - lol. Happy Spring - lets pray it comes soon!
