
Love List

I shared the colored Taika place settings earlier, but recently I found these, and I have to say  I am quite smitten with this Taika place setting in black and white as well.
This Vinnie White Cradle
retro chair is a total look-a-like
of the Herman Miller Eames chair that I love!

How cute is this stripey hobo bag for spring?
I adore this stripe bench from Dwell. I seriously want this for my room.

L.L. Bean's new signature line is fantastic! Love this dress.

Love these crazy cute slippers.  My cousin-in-law  had these for her darling girl and
I couldn't believe how adorable they were.  I think baby G needs some!

Love M.A.C and Liberty of London.
Love them together.


  1. love it all! that bag may make a perfect bday for my sister, thanks!

  2. i would buy the lipstick just for it's case! And yes yes yes to the Taika place setting!
