
Coastal Living+ Jill Johnson

I think I found the perfect home for me...
but the problem is it is located in California and someone else is currently occupying it.  I love and adore the home of Jill Johnson, which was featured in Coastal Living this month.  Lately, I have found so many great ideas and great articles via Coastal Living. I'm just loving them!
The colors, designs, the eclectic combination, different patterns.... it all speaks to me!  I don't surf, but I love the beach, so even the surf board rocks!  It all seems so calming and so fresh. I just love this house.

What style speaks to you? What colors do you love?


  1. Oh my word. I'm moving in...she just doesn't know it yet. I guess we'll have to fight for the house. lol Seriously, LOVE it!!


  2. oooh that is a beautiful home indeed! pity its so far away though.

    stopping by from SITS.


  3. I love this space. Everything about it is fabulous!

  4. I want to move to California!:)

  5. oooo I love her house style! I love all the ideas you put on here! One day I'll be able to use all these great idea on my home. :)

  6. Oohh... I should start looking at Coastal Living, seeing as I live in Cali! One of the great/difficult things about living out here is that the homes are small by the standards of most other places. But I don't really think I want or need all the room that suburbia offers.

    Thanks for the inspiration.
    Stopping by from SITS!

  7. Would commit armed robbery to live in this house.

    That is all.
