
Alt Summit and New-to-me-Blogs

I've been at the Alt Summit in Salt Lake City these past two days and it was awesome! 
I loved learning from and getting to know many other Lifestyle + Design Bloggers. 
I can't wait to discover the sites of my new friends and I can't wait to share with you some great new finds!  Here are 4 great blogs and I'll share more next week.

These darling pink mailboxes would be so fun for Valentines!
This is from a fun new-to-me site called No Biggie.  She has the instructions on how to make these at another awesome site called Make and Takes.  Also, on Make and Takes you can learn how to make homemade marshmallows.  Remember those heart shaped marshmallows I posted about here?
Well, this would be a great way to make those!  Yummy and cute.

Do you have the Utah Mama's handbook?
I know there are other states that have these handbooks as well. 
This is my go-to book when I need ideas, info, numbers, etc. when I'm planning activities for the kids or family.  I recently discovered that they have an online info site, a newsletter that you can sign-up for, and an online community for moms and families.  I just spent some to time checking out the site and registering for the newsletter.  I'm so excited! It's an awesome resource! This is their explanation of the site:
"Today's Mama provides personal, professional, and parenting resources designed to foster a greater sense of identity, empowerment, and connection for women and mothers everywhere."

Yes! You did read that right! :)
This is a clutch to fit up to 3 size 4 diapers plus a travel wipes case!!
Very convenient for undercover diaper bags (aka purses)
This great tutorial is found on ISLY (I Still Love You)
She has some seriously awesome projects and tutorials and is super talented!


  1. Fun! Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend!

  2. Wow, you're so sweet!

    It was great to meet you at Alt Summit. You planning on going next year?

  3. Hi Alisa! I loved meeting you! It was such a fun few days. We should all go next year again.

    ps. Thanks for the link!

  4. Hi! It was great meeting you at ALT! Loved your dress on Friday night!
