
White Christmas Movie and Snow & Graham Wrapping paper

Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!

It is snowing, and I was about to go run some last little errands before the big day, instead, maybe I'll stay inside...  I'm feeling like it might be a good time to wrap  presents and do my annual watch of the nostalgic movie: White Christmas (1954) with Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Vera Ellen, and Rosemary Clooney.  The cast, music, and dancing are all wonderful!  White Chrismtas reminds me of my Grandparents because they used to watch it every Christmas.  I watched this movie with Grandma Tuttle quite a bit, and I'd love to pass that tradition on to my kids.  Good movies like this need to be watched and remembered. If you haven't seen it, you'd love it!

So for the wrapping....
obviously it is too late to get this paper for this year, but I am bookmarking this site for next Christmas.  Snow & Graham is a letterpress company, but they have darling wrapping paper for the holidays and everyday. 

For now, I think I'll just indulge in their darling cards...


  1. that is one of my very favorite christmas movies too alisa! i had no idea it was one of grandma tuttle's favorites. even though i never knew her, i kinda feel like i did, ya know? knowing she loved it makes it feel a little more special : ) merry christmas!

  2. #1 favorite movie of ALL time. love love love. My sister & I did the sister skit for a talent show.

  3. Oh I love that wrapping paper- I'm going to have to grab some for next year!

  4. Thank you for the link. I love that yellow color on your wedding post!
