
Christmas Favorites from Country Living

 I WANT this Burberry looking door mat! 
Does anyone know where I can get this door mat?
I also love this front door face-lift from Country Living.

Some of my favorite Christmas ideas and Christmas wreaths from Country Living.


  1. What beautiful decors! I love the gingerbread house. and I love the white fireplace with the blue stockings! I browsed your blog and love the black and white decor,too. It's so striking!

    Just stopped by from SITS to say hi; hope you'll do the same.

  2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE DECORATING FOR THE HOLIDAYS!Im super glad I found your blog:) Nice meeting you, I love how SITS brings us all together

  3. love the mat. I keep on meaning to pick up the mag, but I always forget. I must remember!
