
G-Baby Update

How cute is this bib? It is such a great bib and my sister-in-law, Brooke, made it! Thanks Brooke! I love homemade gifts. I wish that I were more crafty and a better seamstress, but at least I can benefit from the talents of others!
So, G-baby is now 6 months and although he is not completely stable sitting on his own, he is really trying to crawl. He still wakes up about 3 times during the night.....he has never been the best sleeper and I'm really trying to change that! Sleep is too important! G-baby has the best smile that could brighten any day! He loves to cuddle and loves to get a lot of attention! He is so adorable and I'm so glad he has blessed our family.

1 comment:

  1. he is so stinkin' cute alisa! it was so good to see you guys. wish we had more time to visit!
