
Kate Spade + Lonny Mag

love this ad found in this months Lonny online magazine.
enough said.

Happy Things~Guest: Or So She Says...

Today I have 2 guest bloggers Mariel & Jessica.
One thing I love about these ladies is that they know their stuff,
and if they don't....they soon will!  They will tackle any topic and will
research answers to any question! For reals!
Their blog Or So She Says...is very entertaining and very informative.
Their answers to my interview questions basically give you a taste of their humorous 
personalities and informative nature! Here are Mariel and Jessica.   
By the way, they are cousins! 

What is my dream job?  Actually, being a stay-at-home mom is exactly what I want to be!  My home is my haven for creativity and I LOVE being creative.  I don’t know where else in the world I could be that would allow me to explore so many of the wonders of life that interest me.  Home is the best place on earth!  Okay, but say I HAD to pick a job, what would it be? I would be a grunt-worker at a local nursery (the people that water the plants…J…weird, I know.), I could also enjoy being a “buyer” for a large department store (I have a tendency to think I can outfit a store better than what I see done), it would be fun to own a local bakery in a small town (I love desserts and like to think I can make people happy with mine), maybe I would be one of those author’s that hides away in their house in the mountains and pens fabulous (hopefully) story after story. 
Product I can’t live without: Oh, how about…tampons.  Wouldn’t life be miserable without them??  Ugh…I shudder to think.  Maybe, good old-fashioned Chapstick…it’s so necessary to have that stuff on hand at all times, living here in Utah. 
Favorite Place I’ve Been:  I’ve lived all over the country, growing up.  And, lame…but, I don’t think I can pick a favorite!  There are pluses and minuses about each place. 
Dream Vacation: I would love to go to Germany/Austria/Hungary and do the WWII tour, I would love to go to Israel and tour Jerusalem and the places where Christ walked, I don’t know anything about Ireland but think it would be a great place to go, and Maine.  Maine is one of the few states I haven’t been too…I want to rent a house there on Lake Kezar (voted one of National Geographic’s top 3 most beautiful lakes in the WORLD!) 
Favorite Restaurant:  I love going to ABC Mandarin in Roy, Utah.  I love Chinese food but it’s SO hard to find a place worthy of returning to over and over.  
Favorite TV Show:  I really LOVE cuddling up with my husband at the end of the day and watching a fun show.  Fun show = American Idol, The Bachelor (I have no shame), 24, Lost, The Office…you know, pretty much what everyone else likes!  Quirky shows I like = Intervention (documentaries of drug/or other addicts), Million Dollar Listing (those guys live in a different world!), and Tabatha’s Salon Takeover (I wouldn’t mind having her job!). 
Favorite Movie:  Of all time, it would be Funny Girl. I am basically obsessed with musicals.  I particularly love: Annie, Pete’s Dragon, Mary Poppins, The Sound of Music, Oliver, Phantom of the Opera, and Mamma Mia.  One movie that isn’t a musical that I love it called, “The War” with Kevin Costner.  It brings back memories of being a kid and some of the struggles they have.  
Favorite Treat:  Birthday cake.  You know the kind, cheap box mix that’s frosted with butter cream.  Oh, baby!  Whoo!  Get’s me excited just thinking about it!  I also love hot desserts with ice cream on top (brownies, peach cobbler, bread puddings, etc.).  
What do I love about blogging:  Probably, making new friends and helping others.  Its fun to spew my thoughts and ideas but it really makes me happy when I get an email or a comment saying how helpful a post was.  I love that, it keeps me going.  I have also met (well, “cyber-met”) lots of fabulous women that I would love to REALLY meet in person!  I love to hear their ideas and to get to know them.  One of these days, Jessica and I will have to plan a little “get-together”. 
How do I balance life?  Becoming “balanced” is a constant struggle.  And, I actually think life is supposed to be that way.  There are SO many aspects of life that we should not ignore and are key to being our “best self”.  We need to improve ourselves at all times:  we need to constantly educate ourselves, take care of our bodies, be loving and attentive mothers/wives, have a relationship with God, contribute to society and the needs of our friends/neighbors, love ourselves and be at peace with who we are, maintain a clean and loving home environment, appreciate nature, doesn’t the list go on forever?  Seems like.  I think the important thing is to just KEEP TRYING with the knowledge that perfection is unattainable (in this life), and to recognize that the most balanced people are the most happy. 
How do I relax?  I used to relax by going on long drives alone, or on a nature walk/hike.  I used to lie in bed and read a great book.  I used to listen to lots and lots of music.  I used to craft all the time!  Sometimes, I can round the kids up to go outside…and I will work in the yard.  I love that.  But, it seems like once I get going, I’m interrupted by a poopie diaper, scraped knee, kid in the road, and endless cries of boredom and hunger.  Those days will come again, but for now…I relax by putting the kids to bed!  Then I hop in the tub, go for a jog, or just cuddle up with my man.  We love to get a babysitter and go out to eat and golfing!  Sometimes, I hide in the office and mess around on the computer (like, right now!)
Things That Make Me Cringe – When people lie or have an exaggeration problem, when girls do that fake-high-super-happy/annoying voice on a regular basis, onions, mayonnaise, drunk people, insecure women that flaunt and degrade their bodies and the men that take advantage of it, when people don’t take responsibility for their own lives/actions and expect/demand others to, my stretched out belly skin, being in crowds, roller coasters, swimming in deep water, spiders, g-strings, profanity, when parents let their kids walk all over them, having my arm pits touched, my crooked tooth, swallowing pills, long fingernails (on me), being in the car/tent/bed when someone farts.
Things That Make Me Smile – C.S. Lewis, A great musical, a thriving plant, flowers, flowers, flowers, the smiles of my children, a ultra-dramatic reality show, James Taylor, Rosie Thomas, Don Williams, volleyball, golfing, watching the Utah Jazz (in the play-offs only), ice water, grape juice, Chili’s Southwestern Eggrolls, Applebee’s Blondie, Papa John’s pizza crust, Chapstick, Gold Bond Lotion, shoes, jewelry, clothes!, getting my hair washed at the salon, juicy strawberries, smoothies, gravy on anything!...especially mashed potatoes and biscuits, ladybugs, birds, computers, taking a bath, pajamas, Haflinger slippers, Vitamin E oil for my face, dictionaries…I love new words!, getting my face tickled, doing nice things for others, holidays, decorating, politics, English, writing children’s stories, reading educational books, funny movies, avocados, dating my husband, Disney movies, willow trees, aspen trees, Christmas trees in my house, flip-flops, making holiday crafts, vacationing, going to plays, seeing others happy, teaching, meeting new people, history, exploring, Capitol Reef National Park, Oregon, New York, Kelly green, wearing dresses, the sound of the pitter patter my kid’s feet make running down the hall, kissing my baby’s cheeks, getting a letter/card in the mail, a clean house, no laundry to do (has yet to happen), going to the nursery to buy new plants, and big hugs!

 My dream job: Hm... For as long as I can remember, I always wanted to be a volunteer in the Red Cross, or someone who travels all over the world helping people in need.  For now though, I'm more than happy doing my part by nurturing and teaching my kids. 
A product I can't live without: lotion and lip balm. I can't stand having dry skin or chapped lips.  My favorites are Lubriderm Lotion and C.O Bigelows Rose Salve by Bath and Body Works. 
My favorite place:  I've been blessed to visit Mexico, Hondouras, Hawaii, Ecuador, and all over the US.  I was fortunate enough to be able to live in Ecuador for 4 months and help in orphanages.  I lived in the beautiful town of Cuenca.  The weather was perfect, 60-80 degrees all the time.  The people were so nice, there was a lot of historical places to visit, flower markets (most of the US's flowers come from Ecuador) produce markets, cafes, cathederals and beautiful children who I had the pleasure of helping.  I would go back in a heartbeat.
My dream vacation:  To tour Europe with my husband.  (But he has no desire to go, so maybe with some GIRLS!)  France, Italy, Greece, Germany, and also, the Netherlands.  Eating lots of breads, cheeses, chocolate and seeing all of the beautiful buildings.  Hopefully one day!
My favorite Restaurant:  So I'm a bit biased on this one because I worked there for 12 years on and off.  The Mandarin Restaurant in Bountiful, Utah.  Oh Baby.  Talk about THE BEST CHINESE.  The hour or more wait every weekend proves it!
My favorite TV Show: The Gilmore Girls.  I love it.  But I also love The Bachelor/Bachelorette, Survivor, The Office, House, Iron Chef, Americas Next Top Model and Intervention.  Many many guilty pleasures from TV my friends. 
My favorite movie:  Oooh this is a tie between Gone With The Wind and Funny Girl.  Because they're so depressing and their "man" leaves? I don't know.  I think it's because I'm a total weepy, blubbering, prince charming and Cinderella romantic at heart. Ugh.  Sometimes I hate it because I let myself get too emotionally involved:)
My favorite treat:  Hands down ice cream, Lt Dan!  Coffee flavored to be exact, but I'm not picky. 
What you love about Blogging: it has really taught me to see both sides of everything.  I think sometimes I can be a bit close minded and it's great to see from peoples comments what they think about certain things and to give their viewpoint.  Also, meeting and "talking" to many great women who have many similar interests, goals and struggles. 
How do you try to balancing all of the responsibilities in life?  I think my husband is great for me when it comes to this.  I am a perfectionist and a person who "can't say no," and it usually ends up biting me "you know where!"  He is the first one to remind me I don't need to be perfect.  It's ok that there are dishes in the sink and that I didn't get to the last load of laundry.  But are the kids happy?  Do they know you love 'em?  He's great at sweetly reminding me about what is most important.  Reading, running, taking baths, cooking and watching tv with my hubby at night are my ideal ways to relax.
Things I love- puppies, newly sharpened pencils, brand new books, hearing my kids laugh from their tummies, ice cream, rain, writing letters and thank you notes, bubble baths, music, history, World War 2 books, falling asleep next to my husband, being organized, popcorn, journaling, being called mom, helping people, sleeping with the window open, purses, Nauvoo, Illinois, back rubs, ice water, my kids breath when they were babies, homemade pickles, gardening, summer nights,pleasing people, running, Fourth of July, musicals/plays, nature, new notebooks and journals, salt and vinegar chips, clean sheets, kids books, red vines, biographies, the 1930's, romantic movies, campfires, decorating, perfumes, traveling and my family.
Things I don't love- balloons, cocky people, seafood, heavy metal and rap music, bad breath, mean people, black licorice, tube tops, ironing, mice, ungrateful people, mud, slow drivers and confrontations. 

Thanks for the interview ladies! 
So fun finding out more about you. 
You're both so fun, amazing, and talented!


InStyle Magazine + Stella & Dot

InStyle Magazine just feature in their March issue
I adore the warm wood with the cool crystals, the glass and silk beads and 
hot couture style on a grosgrain ribbon.  
Surprisingly enough, each bead is sewn by hand and each stone is handset.  
Strand length can range from 20" to 25.72". 
This is a QUALITY statement necklace that I just love!
I actually found Stella & Dot through InStyle, and now that I'm a stylist for them, 
it is exciting to see more of their jewelry being featured!
If you are thinking about becoming a stylist too or would like more info, email me!

Dwell Studio For Target

Don't you just love that two of the best companies joined forces? 
I so love Dwell and I so love Target, 
and I so L.O.V.E that they have such adorable bedding, decor 
and kitchen accessories for spring.
I was in Target last week and went goo goo for all of their products! 
In my opinion, this is the best line yet that Dwell has done for Target.

So, on a side note...I bought this yellow flower pillow, but just know that the yellow is more of a mustardy yellow.  On line it looks more like a bright yellow, but in real-life it is more mustard. 
Just in case you are wanting one too.


Ork Posters

I have been wanting to get an Ork Poster for Mr. D for quite sometime now. I just needed a good excuse, but I now have one.  We have a 9 year anniversary coming up in 2 weeks.  I love all of these unique posters, but Washington DC is special to us.  First, he grew up there. Second, we both lived there. Third, although we didn't meet in DC proper, we met through friends that we both had while living in DC.  We actually first met at Duck Beach in North Carolina (on the outer banks), but then didn't date until we both moved back to Salt Lake City.  It is kind-of a random, long story, but there is the short version.  This intro is quite long though to explain why I'm getting the Washington DC poster for him though.  Shhhh! Don't tell him.  
Here are a few other posters that I think are just fantastic!  
The only thing he is missing is SLC.  
HELLO! For Reals! What's UP? :)


GOOP & Tracy Anderson


Are you getting the GOOP Newsletter by Gwyneth Paltrow?
If not, check out her site and see if it is something you'd like.  I know it sounds funny to get email from a famous movie star, but she really does send out a newsletter every week and she sends info on things to make, go, get, do, be, and see.  I love how she organizes things and love the information she puts together.  It really is quite interesting, insightful, and helpful.

I have to share with you what she sent out last week because I've been meaning to post about this anyway.  If you haven't heard of Tracy Anderson, she is Gwyneth's trainer, and she has some great workout DVD's that I just love!  Well, Tracy shared a little arm series that Gwyneth did everyday while preparing for the movie Iron Man and she sent it out in last week's newsletter.  Try it!  I like to add Tracy Anderson's workouts to my routine to mix things up and I like her style.  It is fun, unique, it works different muscles than your used to working out, and it kick's your butt!  Perfect!


Good Quotes

my tumblr

So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they’re busy doing things they think are important. This is because they’re chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.
Mitch Albom (Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life’s Greatest Lesson)

Olympic Cookies

It has been cold and a bit snowy this weekend, but we've had a nice relaxing one, and have enjoyed spending time watching the Olympics.  Aren't they just interesting, entertaining, and inspiring? Mr. D always loves to follow the stories, facts, and history of each sport and competitor.  I love how he makes it even more interesting.  I'm surprised how much the kiddos are entertained by them too.  My favorite: the ice skating and the snowboarding.  Loved these Olympic Ring Cookies.  Go USA!


Rose Barrettes from Purl Bee

Had to share this darling idea!  Molly from the Purl Bee gave amazingly detailed instructions on how to make these, so that even people like me, might be able to follow and succeed in make darling roses for barrettes.  
I was thinking these roses would look darling on a pin or headband too.  
I seriously can't wait to make these with my A-girl. 


Happy Things~Guest: My Favorite Things

I mean seriously...how cute is this pic?

Today my guest for my Happy Things series is Molly from My Favorite Things.
I was a guest on her blog a few months back for her Friday Favorites,  
so, I'm excited to now have her as a guest on my blog.
I love visiting her blog to check out what her favorite things are.
Molly has great taste and a fun personality! 
You'll understand what I mean when you read her answers and check her blog. 
On a side note, Molly... your favorite movie isn't Sound of Music? Come on!? :) I thought that was a given.  By the way, Favorite Things was the name of my blog when I first started blogging.... 
that was, until I found Molly and her blog. Obviously, I then changed it.  But I still love the name! 
Great minds, great minds.:)
What is your dream job?
A professional organizer 
Product you can't live without?
Favorite place you've been?
Dream vacation?
To Travel all over Europe 
Favorite Restaurant?
Right now I'm loving Grimaldi's 
Favorite TV show?
House + Burn Notice + Modern Family {sorry, I couldn't pick just one} 
Favorite movie?
Not sure but I do love Anne of Green Gables 
Favorite treat?
Any type of baked good.  I am a huge sucker for sweets.
What do you love about blogging?
I love all the brilliant ideas that are floating around the blogging world.  The talent that is right at my finger tips is amazing.   
What is your secret to trying to balance all of your responsibilities in your life?
I am still trying to figure that one out.  Prioritizing is key.  My boys come first, always.
How do you like to relax or what is a hobby you enjoy?
I love to read, oh how I love books.  I have a fondness for organizing.
And a nice hot bubble bath at the end of the day really hits the spot. 
surprise mail, dessert, cheese, traveling, my boys {all three}
gossip, clutter, budgeting, bullies, public restrooms
  Thanks for being a guest Molly!  It was great getting to know you a little better. 
I love books too, however, I have gotten out of the habit of reading since my last babe. 
I think you've inspired me.  I REALLY NEED to get started again.  
 My TO READ list is getting a bit out of control!

Happy Friday!  Hope ya'll have a fabulous weekend.
Maybe, just maybe, I'll pick up a book and tackle one of my projects that are on the TO Do list.

And The Winner Is......

You were picked by random.org and you won the fabulous
"Love" necklace from Stella & Dot!
Hope you enjoy this necklace.
 To everyone else, thanks for entering and thanks for reading!  

If you are interested in purchasing any of the jewelry pieces from Stella and Dot,
you can do it on my site at www.stelladot.com/openshaw .

 If you have questions regarding the jewelry or Stella & Dot
or if you're interested in becoming a stylist as well,
feel free to send me an email.


Do Unto Otters

Came across this while at PB Kids, and thought it was a cute book to teach my kiddos about manners.
We'll see how well it works! :)

a book about manners
by Laurie Keller


Tourance Blankets

These soft, cozy throws and baby blankets are just one of the specials today at One Kings Lane.  
They are HALF off!
Shoot me an email if you'd like to get an invite.
apinacoladablog (at) gmail (dot) com

Just Peachy

 Just Peachy Outfit by apinacoladablog at Polyvore 

IF I could go shopping today, and IF I could buy what I wanted..........
then I would love this peachy set.  Now, there are just too many "IF'S" in that scenario, aren't there!?

***Don't forget to enter in the Stella & Dot GIVEAWAY below!

***Why YES! That is the Stella & Dot Garden Party Necklace you see in that peachy outfit set.


Just Dreamin'.....

of the Parker Palm Springs Hotel.  
I want to stay here just so I can day dream with all of this
stripey, bright, citrus love surrounding me. 
How dreamy is this lemonade stand?

My goal is to stay here someday. For reals. 
Oh! and I would really like one of these Butterfly chairs. 
I think these would look great by our fire pit or even in my family room.

Anthopologie at Home

Isn't this a great photo? 
I am in love with this outfit found in Anthropologie's latest catalog/look book/photo book.
 I'm also in love with the both of these bedding options.  
Getting new bedding is always a great way to freshen up a room.  
My problem: I can never decide on which bedding to get. 
I always have the balance of what I love and what will work with four children 
who love to play on my bed.
(oh, and my bed is usually as messy as these pics because for some reason, my kids love to mess it 
when it looks all nice and fluffy with pillows....I just pick my battles:)


Happy Things~Guest: Frolic!

Did I say frolic!?
Um.....Yes! I did!
Chelsea, the talented genius behind frolic is my guest today.  
I have loved reading and following her blog for quite some time now.  
She was one of the first blogs I started reading before I entered into this blog world .  
She is a prop stylist and floral designer living in Portland, Oregon.
I've said it before, and I know I'm going to say it again.....I love getting to know other bloggers!  
You are going to love getting to know Chelsea I little bit more!
Credits: Photography: Lisa Warninger; Dresses/Fashion Styling: Elizabeth Dye/ The English Dept; Hairpieces: Twigs & Honey; 
Model: Anna Adams and Prop + Floral Styling: Chelsea Fuss

What is your dream job? A flower farmer.
What is a product you can't live without? Burt's Bees
Favorite place you've been? Crete
Dream vacation? Australia
Favorite Restaurant? Le Happy ( a tiny crepe place in Portland)
Favorite TV show? Glee
Favorite movie? Right now it's Bright Star.
Favorite treat? Cheese and olives.
What do you love about blogging? I love the community and I've learned that the blog community can be extremely powerful when it comes to creating new ideas or helping someone out. 
What is your secret to trying to balance all of your responsibilities in your life? I wish I knew the secret. I struggle to keep things balanced. I am learning the importance of organizing, lists, and scheduling my time better but I am the one who needs advice on this!:)
How do you like to relax or what is a hobby you enjoy? I love being outside whether it's hiking, bicycling, or just roaming a meadow and if I have my camera along, all the better!
Cheese, Hyacinths, Bare-feet, Live music, Mail 
Contention, Managing money, Picky eaters (I am horribly intolerant), Magazines in a bathroom, Malls
photography is by Lisa Warninger and Prop + Floral Styling by Chelsea Fuss
Thanks Chelsea!
Loved your answers and loved learning more about you!  
Wish we lived closer and we could have a flower farm together...how fun would that be? 
I've always wanted to own a floral shop and create beautiful arrangements! 

GIVEAWAY! Stella & Dot: Love Necklace

I love this Love Necklace from Stella & Dot.
How appropriate for this season, and yet still darling all year.
So, in honor of LOVE and in honor of Valentines..... why not do a giveaway?
*You have up to 4 chances to enter
(let me know in the comments which entries you have completed)

1. Check out my Stella & Dot site and find what items you love....then in the comment section leave your name, email and tell me what is your favorite piece of jewelry.
(example: Alisa at apinacoladablog@gmail Love the clover cuff)

2. Tell your friends (through Facebook, Twitter) to come on by! Or, post my button on your blog.
Then tell me you did (example: Alisa: twitter & facebook)

3. Become a subscriber (on sidebar), or Follower (link on top bar). (example: Alisa: became a follower)

4.Do a post on my giveaway on your blog and link over to my site letting your reading know about this fun giveaway. (example: Alisa: did a post and linked to you)

*giveaway starts today, Feb. 12th
and ends
Thursday night at midnight,
MST Feb. 18th

*Winner will be announced Thursday morning.
*If you'd rather not leave an email because of concerns with spam, shoot me an email telling me you entered so I can contact you easily.


Jennifer Aniston: Architectural Digest

Photos by Scott Frances of AD
First off, let me just say I am not one to obsess over "stars."  Having said that....if I had to say which "star" I did love, it would be Jennifer Aniston. I had been waiting for my Architectural Digest to arrive for days, so the other night, when the hubby and I were watching our beloved "Lost," I just couldn't focus. 
I just wanted to read my mag and look at what Jennifer did with her home!
Nice job Jen!  
Unique. Rich colors. Nice rock work. Lovely, and quite the entertaining home.

I was very surprised with what she did.  I don't know what I was expecting, but this just wasn't what I thought she would do.  I'm not saying I didn't like it!  I'm just surprised.  It looks to me like this would be the perfect entertaining home!  There could be some serious parties to be had here.  With the amazing pool and balcony, I would LOVE to hang at your home with you Jen, any time!  I'm just saying.....
I don't know if I can get over the view and balcony!  
Look how lovely it would be to wake-up in that bed, with that view!  