
Yummy! Yummy!

One of my favorite homemade sandwiches happens to be another Pioneer Woman specialty recipe. The blend of tomatoes, Dijon, cheese, and Chilies is just marvelous! Mr. D sure enjoys this as well. Just try it and let me know what you think! It just so happens that the "name" of the sandwich is: Pioneer Woman's Favorite Sandwich.

Toms Shoes

One for One

TOMS Shoes was founded on a simple premise: For every pair you purchase, TOMS will give a pair of shoes to a child in need. One for One. Using the purchasing power of individuals to benefit the greater good is what they are about.

How great is that! Do you have a pair yet? They are so fabulous and so comfy! Love them and love what they are about! So, I have searched high and low for a cute girl shoe for Miss Ashy but nothing! Only white in her size so far. If anyone knows where to get a size 10 or 11 in girls pass on the info please! :)


Red Rocks Las Vegas

While in Vegas a couple of weeks ago, we took a nice hike one beautiful evening in Red Rocks. The kids always love scrambling up rocks, and incorporating a pretend sword fight or two. J-Boy has no idea how lucky he is to have a "time out" in such a beautiful location. Just remember J-Boy.... it doesn't get better than that for a punishment location! :) I can't wait until J-Boy doesn't want to escape constantly. He is such an explore bug! I-Man and A-Girl rally up any trail or mountain pretty good now. I love hiking with our little family.

Beachy Decor

Here are some fun home ideas for a more beachy or summery feel. I love the splash of color in each room and I just adore white kitchens!

Gwyneth's amazing decor

I love seeing how people decorate their homes. It is so fun to see what creative people and ideas are out there. I was very impressed with Gwyneth Paltrow's home decor. She is so beautiful and classy, it is no surprise that her home reflects her taste. It is very simple, put-together, and calming! The kitchen is amazing! I love the color of the cabinets and the white chandeliers.


I've Got That Beach-y Feeling

Every year Michael Kors comes out with a new island scent perfume. There is Fiji, Capri, Bermuda, etc. They are all lovely, but my absolute favorite is Hawaii. From January on.... I start getting serious longings for long, warm, leisurely afternoons at my favorite Hawaiian beach. So, until I have the opportunity to go back, I have one of my favorite fragrances to keep me company.

The Best Cakes Ever!

So almost every Sunday we go to dinner at my parents and my mom makes a tasty meal. She is an excellent cook and she makes some exceptionally excellent desserts. We just celebrated my sister's birthday and my mom made a White Chocolate cake that was so yummy! She uses this fabulous cookbook called The Cake Mix Doctor by Anne Byrn. May I recommend some of my families favorites? 1. The Perfect Chocolate Cake, 2. My Favorite Birthday Cake (a yellow cake with chocolate frosting), and 3. White on White Cake (white chocolate). These are not just my favorites.....everyone loves these. They are requested all the time. There are many great recipes in this book, and we pretty much enjoy everything she makes. But those are our top three. Bon Appetite!

Eye Candy

These are some of my practice photos of some food photography. Although I have so much to learn about photography..... nothing could make these desserts look bad! Yummo!


Princess Festival

My sister-in-law sent me the link to this darling princess festival. A couple from Lindon built a castle for their grandchildren and they use it to hold the Annual Princess Festival, which is a charity event. 100% of the donations received at the Princess Festival will be used to help children and their families in Kenya, Africa. The sponsoring organization, "In Our Own Quiet Way," is a fully-accredited 501(c)(3) charitable organization in Lindon, Utah.
A-Girl is so excited to dress up like a princess and visit the castle and I'm excited to be a part of the charity event. If you have a princess, you should check it out and maybe our darlings can go to the castle together.

Favorite Lipstick

L'Oreal's Infallible never fail lip stain and lip gloss have been some favorites for some time now, but they just added lipstick to the family. The lipstick has now become my favorite. If you put it on correctly ( put the color on, wait until it dries, then put on the gloss) it lasts for a long time! It never fails! Right now it is buy 1 get 1 free at Ulta.


Knock Knock List Pads

This is heaven for those who love to make lists and be organized. Actually, anyone can appreciate this fun site!